Performance analysis of gravity chemical blockers in the treatment of rising damp in masonry walls

Keywords: Rising Damp, Pathological Manifestation, Chemical Barrier


The objective of this work is the performance analysis of the rising damp treatment in walls, through the use of chemical blockers (i.e., crystallizing and water repellant) available in the Brazilian market, with their introduction by gravity. As there are no standardized tests for such a study, experiments conducted by other researchers were used as a reference. The evaluation of the rising damp was achieved by the calculation of the water absorption rate in the specimens, allied with the images obtained by the thermographic camera. From the results, it was concluded that the treatment did not completely reduce the pathological manifestation in the walls, but both products performed well and managed to reduce the water absorption rate considerably.


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Author Biographies

Ronei Hoffmann Malaquias, Universidade Regional do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI Campus Erechim

Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Universidade Regional do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, Erechim, RS, Brazil

Giovani Jordi Bruschi, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Daiane de Senna Brisotto, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil


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How to Cite
Hoffmann Malaquias, R., Bruschi, G. J., & de Senna Brisotto, D. (2022). Performance analysis of gravity chemical blockers in the treatment of rising damp in masonry walls. Revista ALCONPAT, 12(1), 61 - 75.