Bad practices

The Alconpat Journal considers the following bad practices:


  • Present the same article simultaneously for review and publication in other journals: Authors must express in writing that the manuscript is not being simultaneously submitted for publication in another journal, that all authors are aware of the results and that they agree with them, in order to avoid later conflicts between authors.


  • Lack of recognition of the contributions (original sources) of other researchers: In the text of the manuscript the authors must appropriately cite the texts, works and methodologies of other researchers that allowed to design the project, obtain and discuss the results of the submitted manuscript. In case of omitting these contributions, plagiarism actions would be incurred.


  • Use of material with the rights of third-party authors, without the corresponding permission: The authors must cite the authorship and origin of all the images that they include in their texts (tables, graphs, maps, photographs, etc.). If necessary, the authors will be responsible for managing the reproduction permissions.


  • Undeclared conflicts of interest: All authors must express the potential conflicts of interest associated with the publication.


  • Errors admitted in published articles: When any author discovers an error in the work already published that could affect the validity of the results, they will be obliged to immediately notify the editor of the journal and cooperate so that the article is retracted or corrected.


The consequence of the use of bad practices in an article submitted for evaluation for the Alconpat Journal will be an eventual rejection, while the bad practices are corrected. Then, it would be turned over for evaluation.