Development and analysis of a numerical model of the reinforced concrete expansion due to uniform corrosion

Keywords: reinforced concrete, corrosion, numerical modeling, finite element method


This paper presents the modeling and analysis of the corrosion effects due to carbonation on reinforced concrete elements through a numerical model based on the Finite Element Method. In order to minimize corrosion damage, tools are required to understand the pathological manifestation on the mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete. It was found that depending on the reinforcement corrosion stage, the state of stress and deformation of the concrete element is compromised. Besides, results show the efficiency of the developed model and its applicability to the simulation of the mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete structures subjected to uniform corrosion.


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Author Biography

Emerson Felipe Felix, University of São Paulo at São Carlos School of Engineering
Graduado em Engenharia Civil de Infraestrutura (2016) pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA). Mestre em Engenharia de Estruturas (2018) pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, USP. Doutorando pela USP, no programa de Engenharia de Estruturas com pesquisas relacionadas à modelagem numérica e computacional via MEF e RNA’s, atuando nas áreas de estruturas de concreto, carbonatação, durabilidade e vida útil de estruturas de concreto.


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How to Cite
Felix, E. F., Carrazedo, R., Possan, E., & Ramos, E. S. (2020). Development and analysis of a numerical model of the reinforced concrete expansion due to uniform corrosion. Revista ALCONPAT, 10(3), 300 - 316.