Structural strengthening of a historical building in Rio Branco city-Acre

  • D. C. S. Amorim Programa de Pós-graduación en Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Federal de Pará
  • D. R. C. Oliveira Programa de Pós-graduación en Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Federal de Pará
Keywords: Historical building, structural strengthening, jacketing.


This work presents the use of the technique of structural reinforcement for jacketing applied in the reform
of the historical building called "Big House", due to the architectural need to remain as faithful to the
original design,justifying the need for increased resilience without substantial increase in the cross section
of the pillars. The results obtained by analyzing the reinforcement relative to rectangular columns
subjected to bending, shearing and torsional, in accordance with the NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2014), indicated
that the studied technique was efficient because all reinforced parts had a greater bearing capacity and
met the current requirements without compromising the structural safety of the building's characteristic
Keywords: historic building; structural strengthening; jacketing.


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How to Cite
Amorim, D. C. S., & Oliveira, D. R. C. (2015). Structural strengthening of a historical building in Rio Branco city-Acre. Revista ALCONPAT, 5(2), 124 - 136.
Study Case