Valuation of sewage sludge ash as a component of precast concrete
This paper proposes binary and ternary combinations of sewage sludge ash (SSA) with fly ash, marble dust
and rice hull ash, as partial replacement or addition relative to Portland cement in concretes with a similar
dosage to that used in the manufacture of precast blocks, with very dry consistency given its manufacturing
process in plant. Several physical-mechanical tests were carried out on concrete and mortar specimens with
curing ages of 28 and 90 days: density, water absorption and compressive strength. It is proved that
replacing cement by SSA involves a decrease in density and compressive strength compared to the
reference sample, however, the combinations of residues significantly improve the characteristics of the
cementitious materials. The addition of SSA provided densities and resistances similar to the control
sample and significantly reduces the water absorption.
Keywords: sustainability, industrial products, mineral additions.
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