Low environmental impact hybrid cements: reducing clinker content

  • I. Garcí­a-Lodeiro Departamento de Cemento y Reciclado de Materiales, Instituto Eduardo Torroja (CSIC)
  • A. Fernández-Jiménez Departamento de Cemento y Reciclado de Materiales, Instituto Eduardo Torroja (CSIC)
  • A. Palomo Departamento de Cemento y Reciclado de Materiales, Instituto Eduardo Torroja (CSIC)
Keywords: alkaline activation, geopolymer, hybrid cements, mechanical strength, NMR.


The environmental problems posed by Portland cement manufacture have prompted the scientific
committee to seek more eco-efficient binders with the same technological features as OPC; hybrid
cements are among such alternative materials. Hybrid alkaline cements are multi-component systems
containing a high mineral addition (fly ash (FA), metakaolin (MK), blast furnace slag (BFS)) content, low
proportions (<30 %) of portland clinker and moderately alkaline activators. The substantially lower
amount of clinker needed to manufacture these binders than ordinary Portland cement is both
economically and ecologically beneficial. The present study explored strength development and the
reaction products generated by several hybrid cements, consisting of a number of industrial by-products
and very low Portland clinker contents.
Keywords: alkaline activation, geopolymer, hybrid cements, mechanical strength, NMR.


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How to Cite
Garcí­a-LodeiroI., Fernández-Jiménez, A., & Palomo, A. (2015). Low environmental impact hybrid cements: reducing clinker content. Revista ALCONPAT, 5(1), 1 - 17. https://doi.org/10.21041/ra.v5i1.73
Applied Research