Análise da origem das manifestações patológicas em pavimento de concreto de uma rodovia pelo método dos elementos finitos: estudo de caso

  • F. Bolina ITT Performance, Mestrando PPGArqUrb, Unisinos
  • B. Tutikian ITT Performance, Mestrando PPGArqUrb, Unisinos
Keywords: Pathology, Pavements, Concrete


Regarding issues pertaining to infrastructure, it is observed that the Brazilian’s highway
Mário Quintana, call ERS-118, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil , announces
in alarming conservations circumstances and trafficability due to the high deterioration
degree of the pavement . The objective of this work is to analyze the possible causes that
produced the pathological manifestations in the pavement concrete. The study was based on
the structural analysis of these elements. Therefore, this study was based on the method of
finite elements and subsequent analysis of the results produced by the correlation between
stress versus number of permissible axle bushings. The study was divided into three parts: (1)
method of pavement’s structural analysis, (2) discussion of the results and (3) conclusion. As
a result, it was found that many of the pathological manifestations may have stemmed from
the thermal effects arising in the pavement concrete.
Keywords: Pathology. Pavements. Concrete


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How to Cite
Bolina, F., & Tutikian, B. (2014). Análise da origem das manifestações patológicas em pavimento de concreto de uma rodovia pelo método dos elementos finitos: estudo de caso. Revista ALCONPAT, 4(3), 172 - 181.
Study Case