Analysis of the mechanical properties of an expansive soil for the self-construction of a social housing

  • Martin González Sandoval Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • María de la Luz Pérez Rea Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Keywords: self-construction; expansion pressure; friction angle; cohesion.


This research article shows an analysis of an expansive soil of the Residencial Santa Fe, in the eastern part of the city of Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico, in order to determine the annual period in which it is more convenient to start the self-construction of a social housing. The mechanical properties of the soil (expansion pressure, friction angle and cohesion) are determined by geotechnical tests to find out the possible differential movements of the ground and thus avoid the short-term deficiencies that these houses suffer in our country, obtaining that the ideal period for the construction is October-March, otherwise, in the April-September period it is critical, for which the foundations increase in cost.


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How to Cite
González Sandoval, M., & Pérez ReaM. de la L. (2023). Analysis of the mechanical properties of an expansive soil for the self-construction of a social housing. Revista ALCONPAT, 13(3), 312 - 327.