Puesta en valor de una escuela patrimonial en zona de alto riesgo sísmico: un caso de estudio
The Mitre School is a monumental building enabled in 1906 using fired ceramic masonry
without tie-reinforcement. During its service life it has suffered damages from impulsive
earthquakes in Mendoza, Argentina, as well as from changes in the materials and lack of
maintenance. The methodology of study included the following stages: a detailed inspection,
emergency decisions, analysis of conservation state of the building, as well as the diagnosis
and rehabilitation alternatives. With the data from the field and laboratory tests, the building
was modeled by using finite elements. The advantages of the use of concrete in the
rehabilitation include the lowest cost and the best structural performance according to
rehabilitation standards in force; nonetheless, from the standpoint of heritage, the
combination of steel structures, that do not interfere with the original factory, and the
rehabilitation of reinforced concrete foundations are preferred.
Keywords: heritage, safety, seismic resistant, enhancement.
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