Comportamiento de las estructuras de madera construidas en la Estancia Jesuítica de Santa Catalina en el siglo XVII

  • J. L. Gómez Taller de Investigación de Diseño Estructural, TIDE, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • M. del C. Fernández Saiz Taller de Investigación de Diseño Estructural, TIDE, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • L. Papalardo Taller de Investigación de Diseño Estructural, TIDE, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Keywords: Wooden Structures, patrimony, heritage durability.


This paper presents a study of wooden structural typologies used by the Jesuits in the "Estancia
de Santa Catalina", Córdoba Province. The wood used in beams and columns was characterized
at microscopic and macroscopic levels. Tests were carried out to determine the physical and
mechanical characteristics; the soundness of the structure was evaluated by following the
Brazilian standard BR7190 for the verification of the strength and deformability. We studied
the reticulated structures, showing the pathological manifestations in the structural elements
and making a diagnosis that allowed the estimation of their degree of safety. The study
highlights the outstanding durability of the wood older than 360 years; it also recommends
proceedings for the recovery of damaged parts and maintenance of these constructions that
have been declared common heritage of mankind.
Keywords: Wooden Structures, patrimony, heritage durability


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ASSOCIAÇAO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS - NBR 7190, (1997), “Projeto de estruturas de madeira”. (Río de Janeiro).

Gomez J. L. (2000), “Estructuras de madera” (Edit. Ingreso, Córdoba).

Argüellez Alvarez R.; Arriaga Martitegui F., “Estructuras de madera” - Diseño y cálculo.

How to Cite
Gómez, J. L., Fernández Saiz, M. del C., & Papalardo, L. (2014). Comportamiento de las estructuras de madera construidas en la Estancia Jesuítica de Santa Catalina en el siglo XVII. Revista ALCONPAT, 4(2), 129 - 139.
Study Case