Caracterização da interface azulejo/argamassa de fachadas históricas
Maintenance and rehabilitation are important measures to preserve the historical tiles of facade. In the materials rehabilitation context, is fundamental the knowledge of the original materials characteristics. Facing that, this research aimed to characterize the tile/mortar interface in samples of facades from Ovar – Portugal, in the period between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. For this purpose, initially were realized several tests and evaluations to characterize samples of mortars (XRD, petrographic and chemical analysis, TGA, SEM and carbonation depth) and glazed tiles (XRD, MIP and water absorption). Posteriorly, the tile/mortar interface was analyzed in mesostructural level (stereo microscope) quantifying the mortar’s extension adhered to the underside of the tile. As result of these analyses, was observed that the extension of adherence is related to the characteristics of the aggregates of the mortars and to the configuration of the underside of the tile and not to the binder/aggregate ratio of the mortars.
Keywords: interface; mortar; lime; glazed tile; facade.
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