Plan integral de mantenimiento preventivo en las instalaciones del museo arte contemporaneo-maczul

  • Leonardo Ramírez Otepi Consultores S.A. Zona Rental de la Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas.
  • Miguel Sanchéz Centro de Estudios de Corrosión-Universidad del Zulia-Maracaibo-Venezuela.
  • Alberto Perozo Gerencia de mantenimiento, Posgrado de Ingeniería-Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Museums, preservation, integral preventive maintenance, administrative structure for information management, databases


The preservation of infrastructure for museums must consider the specific conditions and needs
during the service life of the building. This works shows the preparation of the methodological
basis for an integral model for the maintenance of the Contemporary Art Museum of Zulia
(MACZUL), which includes the preservation of the external aesthetic features, the systems that
support its functions, and the exhibition areas. The development of the model and the proposed
tool of support allows the formulation of an agile system to set up an administrative structure for
the information management for the maintenance plan. The environmental conditions require
special attention with regards to the soundness of the structure, as these favor corrosion process.


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How to Cite
Ramírez, L., Sanchéz, M., & Perozo, A. (2011). Plan integral de mantenimiento preventivo en las instalaciones del museo arte contemporaneo-maczul. Revista ALCONPAT, 1(1), 50-63.
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