Estudio del Comportamiento Estructural de Bóvedas y Cúpula de la Estancia Jesuítica Santa Catalina, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina
This job shows the study realized to test the dome structural behavior, of Jesuit Santa
Catalina´s church and his vault, also novitiate´s vault and one room from the ranch, with
demonstrations of fissures.
It describe a previously work at analysis tension, including a general 3D survey by a total
station, in order to prepare the digital drawings and fundamentally determinate the
thickness of the vaults and dome. Also realize two tangential wells to analyze the
characteristics of the ground and the deepness of foundations. The sectional verification
was made with Algor´s software analysis by very thin element from CAD solid models.
The results of these studies allow assessing the safety vaults and dome structure, and
propose actions for the preservation and maintenance of this building declared cultural
heritage of humanity by UNESCO.
Keywords: dome, vaults, heritage, stress analysis
Lozano Apolo, G., Lozano Martinez-Luengas, A. (1995), “Técnicas de Intervención en el Patrimonio Arquitectónico” (Gijón, España. Consultores Técnicos de Construcción, C. B.), pp. 177- 206.
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