Tratamento da humidade ascensional no património histórico
Rising damp linked with the salts is a factor in old buildings walls degradation, which requires
knowledge of its higrothermal behavior, as well as the treatment techniques and its
effectiveness knowledge. The rising damp treatment is very complex and many of the
techniques to solve the problem do not show the desirable effectiveness. The Building Physics
Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto has developed numerical
and experimental research that allowed the validation of a technology based on the wall base
hygroregulated ventilation to treat rising damp, patent the system-HUMIVENT.
This paper aims to describe the pathologies associated to rising damp; the advantages and
disadvantages of the most common available technologies for its treatment; characterize the
rising damp treatment system-HUMIVENT, their implementation in Portuguese buildings and
the analysis of the obtained results.
Keywords: rising damp, historical building, hygroregulated system
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