Determinación de una metodología para la estimación de la vida útil ponderada de viviendas en Paraguay

  • V. Vazquez Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Asunción
  • D. Lird Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Keywords: Life pan, weighting, senavitat, carbonation, factor method


Today the concept of Service Life is used widely around the world, and that the intention of
building professionals is to implement projects that have a long service life to meet the purposes
set out below certain levels of preventive maintenance. In other countries for almost two
decades, investigations have been conducted on the durability and service life of materials and
applied to buildings as a whole to determine which are the problems encountered, and so to
project works far more effective and sustainable over time. The present work aims to determine
a methodology applicable to Paraguay in order to estimate the useful life of the housing using
the weighted method as articulating axis of the study.
Keywords: Life pan, weighting, senavitat, carbonation, factor method.


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How to Cite
Vazquez, V., & Lird, D. (2013). Determinación de una metodología para la estimación de la vida útil ponderada de viviendas en Paraguay. Revista ALCONPAT, 3(3), 213 - 226.
Study Case