Analysis of the self-regeneration of cementitious matrices through different methods of insertion of chemical and bacterial solutions

  • Fernanda Pacheco Itt Performance, Polytechnical school, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, Brasil
  • Amanda Loeff Civil Engineering Undergraduation, Polytechnical school, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, Brasil
  • Vinicius Muller Civil Engineering Graduation, Polytechnical school, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, Brasil
  • Hinoel Zamis Ehrenbring Itt Performance, Polytechnical school, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, Brasil
  • Roberto Christ Department of Civil and Environmental, Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla Colombia
  • Regina Modolo Civil Engineering Graduation, Polytechnical school, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, Brasil
  • Maria Fernanda de Oliveira Architecture Graduation, Polytechnical school, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, Brasil
  • Bernardo Tutikian Itt Performance, Polytechnical school, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, Brasil
Keywords: bioconcrete, self-healing, self-reparing, crack, bacteria


This study analyzed the healing potential of concrete when using bacterial solutions and chemical solutions, evaluating different materials that can be used for its encapsulation. To encapsulate the agents, expanded clay and expanded perlite were used. To analyze the effectiveness of healing, visual analysis techniques were performed using a high-precision optical microscope and 3D microtomography. The results pointed to a better performance of the BAC.AE (bacterial solution in expanded clay) trait, using bacterial solution encapsulated in expanded clay, which was able to heal cracks of up to 0.57mm, with the traits BAC.PE (bacterial solution in expanded perlite), bacterial solution encapsulated in expanded perlite, and SS (sodium silicate), chemical solution added at the time of molding in replacement of water, healed cracks of 0.16 mm and 0.29 mm respectively.


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How to Cite
Pacheco, F., Loeff, A., Muller, V., Zamis Ehrenbring, H., Christ, R., Modolo, R., de Oliveira, M. F., & Tutikian, B. (2022). Analysis of the self-regeneration of cementitious matrices through different methods of insertion of chemical and bacterial solutions. Revista ALCONPAT, 12(1), 32 - 46.