Conservación de puentes atirantados: algunos aspectos particulares de sus planes de mantenimiento y técnicas de actuación
The article starts from the need to develop inspection and maintenance plans for bridges in a
rigorous way, focusing the attention on some specific aspects of cable-stayed bridges. The
uniqueness of the type and dimensions of these structures causes specific problems arising from
very different points of view: type of structural elements to maintain, pathological processes
affecting them, difficulties of access for inspection and maintenance, and need of specific
technics for inspection, repair and maintenance. Some problems detected in cable-stayed bridges
are commented, as well as remedial measures developed; difficulties arising from the usual lack
of access means specifically designed for these bridges are highlighted. Finally, the conclusions
summarize basic aspects to be considered when developing their conservation plans.
Keywords: Maintenance plans, cable stayed bridge, access means, stay wrapping, conservation.
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