Fiber reinforced shotcrete control tests in the Mexico City metro line 12 tunnel

  • Carlos Aire Instituto de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Lilia Aguilar Instituto de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: fiber reinforced shotcrete, energy absorption, round panels test, square panel test, Barcelona test


In this paper three tests are evaluated to characterize the behavior of shotcrete with steel fibers in the primary lining of Mexico City metro line 12 tunnel. Three square panels (UNE 14488-5), three round panels (ASTM C1550) and four cylinders for the Barcelona test (UNE 83515) were made. All of them can be used as quality control methods for Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) in underground constructions, however, greater variability was found in the results of round panels, in addition to being the highest complexity samples regarding their development and test, therefore, the application of the Barcelona test is recommended for quality control on site due to the fact that the samples and test are easier to prepare, handle and execute.


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How to Cite
Aire, C., & Aguilar, L. (2021). Fiber reinforced shotcrete control tests in the Mexico City metro line 12 tunnel. Revista ALCONPAT, 11(1), 73 - 87.