Importancia de la evaluación de sismo seguido de incendio en Mendoza, Argentina

  • N. G. Maldonado Centro Regional de Desarrollos Tecnológicos para la Construcción, Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica, Facultad Regional Mendoza, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Rodríguez 273, Ciudad , Mendoza, República Argentina.
  • S. Albiol Escuela de IV Nivel, Facultad Regional Mendoza, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, República Argentina
Keywords: earthquake; fire; damage; risk, losses


Fire following earthquakes producessignificant loss of life and economic damages. For the centralwestern Argentina records show that earthquake damages caused fire and disruption of services. It is proposed the evolution of the resistant earthquake design incorporating other risks. Great Mendoza situation is analyzed in function of the current data and the estimated damages in the structures taking into account the architectural and structural design, the materials and the facilities. The evaluation of service life of construction and the available services detect an important problem in the existing buildings, most of them dwellings that warrants prevention planning by users and responsible authorities.

Keywords: earthquake; fire; damage; risk, losses


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How to Cite
Maldonado, N. G., & Albiol, S. (2013). Importancia de la evaluación de sismo seguido de incendio en Mendoza, Argentina. Revista ALCONPAT, 3(1), 69 - 78.
Documental Research