Evaluación de la acción del fuego en una estructura de hormigón armado mediante XRD, SEM y Espectroscopía infrarroja

  • S. B. Gea Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Salta. Av. Bolivia 5150, Salta, Argentina.
  • P. D. Chacón Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Salta. Av. Bolivia 5150, Salta, Argentina.
Keywords: reinforced concrete; fire; electronic microscopy; X-ray diffraction; infrared spectroscopy.


The Monument to the Independence Heroes in Humahuaca (northern Argentina) wa built in 1950 and represents magnificently the native and European people which shape the national identity. A reinforced concrete structure bears the bronze sculptures of 40tons and includes a dwelling for the monument keeper. The basement of this dwelling underwent a fire whose load and duration are unknown. A few samples from a sector of the structure were taken in order to assess the effects that fire produced in the concrete. They were analyzed by different techniques: X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The study allowed to infer the temperature experimented by the analyzed samples and the depth of the damage. The following steps to assess the whole structure are proposed.

Keywords: reinforced concrete; fire; electronic microscopy; X-ray diffraction; infrared spectroscopy


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How to Cite
Gea, S. B., & Chacón, P. D. (2013). Evaluación de la acción del fuego en una estructura de hormigón armado mediante XRD, SEM y Espectroscopía infrarroja. Revista ALCONPAT, 3(1), 29 - 38. https://doi.org/10.21041/ra.v3i1.41
Study Case