Materias primas alternativas para la fabricación de cementos más ecoeficientes de baja energía

  • S. Goñi Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción "Eduardo Torroja"(CSIC), Serrano Galvache s/n, 28033 Madrid, España.
  • A. Guerrero Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción "Eduardo Torroja"(CSIC), Serrano Galvache s/n, 28033 Madrid, España
  • A. Macías Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción "Eduardo Torroja"(CSIC), Serrano Galvache s/n, 28033 Madrid, España
  • M.P. Lorenzo Universidad San Pablo CEU Madrid, España


The industrial and technological development poses major challenges due to the high amount of
wastes generated; a lot of research focuses on reduce environmental impact. This paper
concentrates in byproducts from the incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW) which,
regardless of the incineration system, involve large amounts of fly ash and slag that can be
revalued or otherwise stabilized, so to reduce their environmental impact. Among the current
actions for minimizing this waste is their use as raw materials in the manufacture of cement. The
work aims on the synthesis of an "eco-efficient cement" that incorporates fly ash from
incineration of municipal solid waste (FAIMSW) as secondary raw material. The innovative
manufacturing process represents an important contribution for the sustainable development of
the industry, as it involves an important reduction of clinkerization temperature (< 1100°C) and a
minimization of CO2 emissions.


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How to Cite
Goñi, S., Guerrero, A., Macías, A., & Lorenzo, M. (2011). Materias primas alternativas para la fabricación de cementos más ecoeficientes de baja energía. Revista ALCONPAT, 1(1), 16-28.
Applied Research