Analysis of the concrete-steel interface exposed to the outdoor environment and immersed in natural seawater

  • Tezozomoc Pérez López Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
  • M. R. Sosa Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
  • V. M. J. Moo-Yam Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
  • E. Chávez Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional
  • J. T. Pérez-Quiroz Instituto Mexicano del Transporte
Keywords: electrochemical behavior, reinforced concrete, carbonatión, corrosión potential, chloride


The electrochemical behavior in reinforced concrete elements without and with additión of sodium chloride (NaCl) in the mixing water, in exposed in a marine/tropical environment was evaluated. The monitoring consisted in measuring corrosión potential (Ecorr), carbonatión front advance (xCO2) and photographic record of the concrete/steel interface at different stages of the exposure time period. In the outdoor exposure it was observed that the additión of NaCl in the mixing water favored the advancement of carbonatión, without showing the beginning of corrosión. The presence of chloride was determinant in the beginning and development of the process of corrosión, as much in exposure to the intemperie as in immersión.


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Author Biography

Tezozomoc Pérez López, Universidad Autónoma de Campeche

Profesor e Investigador

Responsable del Labortorio de Concreto

Centro de Investigación en Corrosión

Universidad Autónoma de Campeche


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How to Cite
Pérez LópezT., Sosa, M. R., Moo-Yam, V. M. J., Chávez, E., & Pérez-QuirozJ. T. (2018). Analysis of the concrete-steel interface exposed to the outdoor environment and immersed in natural seawater. Revista ALCONPAT, 8(1), 16 - 29.
Applied Research