Evaluación de un sistema de refuerzo estructural para un edificio: Un caso de estudio

  • Marcelo Guzmán 1Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Mendoza, Coronel Rodríguez 273 Ciudad Mendoza Argentina, CP 5500. 2CeReDeTeC (Centro Regional de Desarrollos Tecnológicos para la Construcción, Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica) Coronel Rodríguez 273 Ciudad Mendoza Argentina, CP 5500.
  • Noemí Maldonado 1Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Mendoza, Coronel Rodríguez 273 Ciudad Mendoza Argentina, CP 5500. 2CeReDeTeC (Centro Regional de Desarrollos Tecnológicos para la Construcción, Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica) Coronel Rodríguez 273 Ciudad Mendoza Argentina, CP 5500.
  • Gustavo Castro Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Mendoza, Coronel Rodríguez 273 Ciudad Mendoza Argentina (CP 5500)
  • Diego Buss Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Region al Mendoza, Coronel Rodríguez 273 Ciudad Mendoza Argentina (CP 5500) CeReDeTeC (Centro Regional de Desarrollos Tecnológicos para la Construcción, Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica) Coronel Rodríguez 273 Ciudad Mendoza Argentina (CP 5500)
Keywords: seismic hazard, structural reinforcement, structural design, metal frames


The problematic of buildings constructed before the decade of the '70 must not be overlooked due to
the latent risks from the lack of foresight regarding the earthquake resistant construction designs. The
Province of Mendoza, Argentina, is located in a region of the highest level of seismic risk. The Great
Mendoza has undergone seismic intensities of VI M.M and above at least eleven times in the last 200
years. This case study corresponds to an existing building in downtown of Mendoza, Argentina and
built in the decade of the '50. Due to the need of its rehabilitation, this study was entrusted to
evaluate the state of conservation as well to adequate it to the seismic code in force. The study
established the need to include an integral system of structural reinforcement in view of the the
cracking of masonry walls, the incomplete tie-reinforcement and in order to satisfy the demand
imposed by the earthquake design. Chapter 8 of the 1987 Code of Earthquake Resistant Constructions
for the Province of Mendoza was considered for the reforms on existing buildings. The use of steel
frame braced eccentrically was considered in the proposal of structural rehabilitation, which presents
advantages compared to other types of structural systems, such as a low cost, speed and unskilled


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AISC (2002), American Institute of Steel Construction, “Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings”, USA.

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CIRSOC 201 (1982), Reglamento CIRSOC 201 y Anexos, Proyecto, Cálculo y Ejecución de Estructuras de Hormigón Armado y Pretensado, Argentina.

Consejo Profesional de Ingenieros, Agrimensores y Geólogos de Mendoza (1994), Código de Construcciones Sismo Resistentes Para la Provincia de Mendoza del año 1987, Mendoza, Argentina.

Gobierno de Mendoza (1970), Código de Construcciones Antisísmicas, Mendoza, Argentina.

INPRES (1986), Publicación Técnica N° 10, “Gran Mendoza, el núcleo urbano expuesto al mayor nivel de riesgo sísmico en la República Argentina”, Argentina.

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How to Cite
Guzmán, M., Maldonado, N., Castro, G., & Buss, D. (2011). Evaluación de un sistema de refuerzo estructural para un edificio: Un caso de estudio. Revista ALCONPAT, 1(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.21041/ra.v1i1.2
Study Case