Reinforcement corrosion rate and crack width relationship in concrete beams exposed to simulated marine environment
This investigation presents an empirical correlation between the rebar corrosion rate and the corrosion-induced fissura width propagation rate produced on beam's concrete cover, with or without load application to these beams. Reinforced concrete beams were evaluated, exposed to a natural corrosion process by spraying with 3.5 %w/w NaCl solution, to accelerate the rebar corrosion process, was performed with electrochemical tests. The beams corrosion-fissuraing evaluation was performed once every month, to determine the relation between fissura width and the rebar corrosion loss. The results showed a direct relation between fissura width propagation and rebar corrosion rate, showing wider fissuras in the loaded beams.
Key words: corrosion; reinforced concrete; loaded beams; fissura widths.
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