Effect of buttering in mechanical properties of dissimilar metal weld joints for reinforcement bars in concrete structures
In this work, the influence of Inconel 182 as buttering material in the mechanical properties of dissimilar metal welds between plain carbon steel and stainless steel bars welded using SMAW has been investigated using microstructural analysis, Vickers microhardness testing, and tensile tests. Welding with SMAW process is commonly applied in field welding of concrete structures; therefore, this process was selected for this work. The results indicated that even if the joints contain defects generated by the welder, the mechanical properties of dissimilar welded joint without buttering are higher than the properties of joints with buttering. This methodology is proposed for the rehabilitation of concrete structures with steel bars as reinforcements, which are located in marine enviroments.
Keywords: buttering, dissimilar metal weld joints; mechanical properties; microstructure; defects
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