Fire Resistance of pultruded profiles of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) for rehabilitation applications: Experimental, numeric, and analytical study
This paper presents a study about the fire behaviour of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultruded beams. Fire resistance tests were carried out in beams with a span of 1.3 m, exposed to fire according to the time-temperature curve defined in the ISO 834 standard. In these tests the effects of different types of fire exposure (one and three sides) and load levels, as well as the efficacy of different fire protection systems were evaluated. In order to study the evolution of temperature distributions during the fire resistance tests, a two-dimensional numerical model was developed using the commercial software ANSYS FLUENT. Also an analytical model was developed to estimate the mechanical response of the beams during fire exposure.
Keywords: composite materials; fire behaviour; experimental campaign; numerical simulation; analytical model.
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