Informe pericial de un caso de choque de embarcación contra un muelle en Paraguay

  • Paulo Yugovich Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología – Universidad Católica “Nuestra Sra. de la Asunción. Tte. Cantaluppi y G. Molinas, Campus Barrio Santa Librada, Asunción, Paraguay
  • G. A. Melgarejo Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología – Universidad Católica “Nuestra Sra. de la Asunción. Tte. Cantaluppi y G. Molinas, Campus Barrio Santa Librada, Asunción, Paraguay
Keywords: pathology; structures; surveyors; crash; durability


A dock in San Antonio, Paraguay, used to unload Liquefied oil gas (LOG) was struck by a
barge during maneuvering operations. The knocked element (a pillar) was fractured and
other symptoms were also noted in contiguous elements, such as cracks and deformations. A
total loss was claimed to the insurance company, which led to a further investigation. The
survey analysis performed required the input from an expert in engineering, knowledgeable
in materials, structures and pathology of constructions. The aim of this report was to
determine the real effects of the impact on the structure towards the definition of
responsibilities of the parts involved. The report included the diagnosis and recommendations
for the repairing, strengthening and maintenance of the structure. The verdict indicated that
only a fraction of the symptoms were attributable to the impact, as the structure shows signs
of other unrelated problems.


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Jiménez Montoya P., García Meseguer A., Morán Cabré J., 12ª. Edición, Hormigón Armado, Tabla 9.4.

Red Rehabilitar, Editores Paulo Helene, Fernanda Pereira, Manual de Rehabilitación de Estructuras de Hormigón (Reparación, Refuerzo y Protección).

How to Cite
Yugovich, P., & Melgarejo, G. A. (2011). Informe pericial de un caso de choque de embarcación contra un muelle en Paraguay. Revista ALCONPAT, 1(2), 135- 148.
Study Case