Paulo Helene

University of São Paulo and PhD in Engineering, São Paulo, Brazil
Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto 201 São Paulo, SP 01303060


Summary of the Curriculum Vitae

President ALCONPAT Int. management 2010/2011, reappointed 2012/2013 and current Honorary President management 2014/2015, reappointed management 2015/2019. One of the founders of ALCONPAT Int., of ALCONPAT Brazil and an active member of the Association since 1991. President of the IBRACON Brazilian Institute of Concrete management 2003/2005, reinstated 2006/2007, former Director of Publications, current Director of International Relations. International Coordinator REHABILITAR Network, CYTED program, member of the PREVENIR Network... Read more.

ORCID:  0000-0001-6442-7693