Manuel Fernández Cánovas

Curriculum Vitae Summary

Industrial Engineer, Weapons and Construction Engineer. Doctor Engineer in Construction. For 25 years he has worked at the Eduardo Torroja Institute belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de España and in Technical Assistance in investigations within the fields of Pathology and Construction Materials. In 1960 he was appointed Professor of Construction and Building Materials at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Ports (ETSICCP) in Madrid. In 1984 he obtained the Chair of Construction Materials at the ETSICCP in Madrid, which he held until 2002. During his time as a military engineer he was assigned to the Army Engineering Laboratory, at the Material Reception Service for Engineers . , Militarization of Essential Services (Central Mayor State), NATO Liaison Officer, Professor of Circuit Theory and Special Hormigones for Defense at the Army Polytechnic School and Academy of Army Construction Material Engineers. With the Colonel's rank he filed his own petition, in 1984, at the Ministry of Education and Science. He has been principal investigator on numerous projects with public and private funding. He has directed five doctoral studies and is currently directing dos. Author of several books, among which we must highlight: "Hormigón", whose ninth edition is yet to be published; “Concrete Pathology and Therapy” 3rd edition and “Epoxy Resins in Construction”, “Bituminous Materials”, “Projected Concrete”, etc. He has given courses and conferences in all Latin American countries, also participating in all CONPAT Congresses held since then. his foundation closed as a ponent and became “Honorary Professor” of several Latin American Universities. He is currently Professor Emeritus at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, continuing at ETSICCP collaborating in research and doctorate in the fields of Special Hormigón, Patología and Calidad Control. He has been a member of the Comité Europeo del Hormigón (CEB) and the Federación Internacional de Prefabricados (FIP). He has been a member of the Permanent Interministerial Committee on Cemento and the Permanent Interministerial Committee on Hormigón in Spain. President of the Technical Certification Committee CTC-061 “Prepared Hormigón” from AENOR. Vice-president of the Technical Standardization Committee CTN-80 "Cementosâ" of AENOR. President of the Subcommissions SC-5 and SC-6 “Hormigón con fibers” and “Hormigón projected” respectively of the CTN-83 “Hormigón” of AENOR. Member of the CT 104 “Concrete” Committee of the European Standardization Committee (CEN). Member of the European Standardization Committee "Hormigón Projectado". Eduardo Torroja Institute Research Award granted by the Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). Award for “Latin American Engineer with the best performance in the field of Pathology and Calibration Control in Construction”, given in 2009 in Valparaíso (Chile) by the Asociación Latinoamericana de Patología y Control de Calidad de la Construcción (ALCONPAT). Víctor de Plata at Professional Merit. Gold Medal from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Member of the Malaga Science Academy. Honorary Professor at the Higher Technical School of Architecture in Madrid. Member Founder of ALCONPAT. Honorary College of the Official College of Industrial Technical Engineers. Cruz al Mérito Militar del Ejército Español. Cross and Plaque of San Hermenegildo. Military Star Cross of the Chilean Army. Cruz de la Paz de Marruecos. Giraldilla de la Ciudad de La Habana (Cuba).

CV: Manuel Fernández Cánovass