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Filippo Ubertini
Associate Editor
Curriculum Vitae Summary
Is a Full Professor of Structural Design at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of University of Perugia where he teaches Advanced Structural Design and Earthquake Engineering and where he coordinates the International PhD Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering. He graduated cum laude in Civil Engineering at University of Perugia in 2005 and received his PhD in Civil Engineering from University of Pavia in 2009. He was visiting scholar at Columbia University in 2008. Author of more than 90 papers published in high impact international journals, his research is mainly focused on structural health monitoring, with emphasis on smart materials, vibration-based methods and applications to earthquake engineering, bridge engineering and cultural heritage structures. He is a member of the editorial boards of: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Frontiers in Built Environment (Earthquake Engineering Section), Sensors, Advances in Civil Engineering, Shock and Vibration, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Engineering Research Express, Modeling and Engineering Proceedings. He has been PI of several international and national research grants and plenary/semi-plenary/keynote speaker at prestigious international conferences, including Eurodyn 2020 and CBPAT 2020. Dr. Ubertini has been awarded by the Italian Association for Wind Engineering in 2010 and has received best papers awards in EVACES 2011 and IOMAC 2019. Now Associate Editor of the Revista Alconpat.