• Carmen Andrade International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. CIMNE. UPC.
Keywords: electrochemical techniques, service life, corrosion, reinforcement


Anniversaries are a good excuse to make some summaries of historical events. Very briefly, some advances made from the initial research in the speciality of reinforcement corrosion which started in the 60’s are summarized. The use of electrochemical techniques was a milestone which enabled, from the decade of the 1970, to study the effect of each variable with much more rigour. The studies on service life started in the decade of 1980, although they were not of general interest until the next decade. From 1990 RILEM Committees and the Iberoamerican Program on Corrosion of CYTED extended the knowledge so widely that in the XXI century the subject attracts much research interest.


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Andrade, C. (1970), Aportación al estudio de la corrosión de armaduras en el hormigón armado. Tesina de licenciatura, Universidad Complutense. Facultad de Químicas, Madrid, Julio.

Andrade, C. (1973), Nueva técnica electroquímica de medida de la corrosión de armaduras en hormigones armados y pretensados. Empleo de aditivos inhibidores como método de protección. Universidad Complutense, Facultad de Químicas – Junio.

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Feliú, S., González, J. A., Feliú Jr., S., Andrade, C. (1990), "Confinement of the electrical signal or in-situ measurement of Polarization Resistance in Reinforced concrete," ACI Materials Journal. 87(5), pp. 457-460.

González, J. A., Algaba, S., Andrade, C. (1980), Corrosion of reinforcing bars in carbonated concrete, British Corrosion Journal, 3 135-139.

Gouda, V. K., Monfore, G. E. (1965), A rapid method for studying corrosion inhibiton of steel in concrete, Journal Porland Cement Asocietion, Septiembre, nº 3, 24.

Hausmann, D. A. (1964), “Electrochemical behaviour of steel in concreteâ€, Journal A. C. I., 171.

Kaesche, H. (1959) Testing corrosion danger of steel reinforcement due to admixtures in concrete, Zement-Kalk-Gips, July, no.7 pp 289.

Lazzari, L., Pedeferri, P. (2006), Cathodic Protection, Milano: Polipress.

Page, C. L., Treadaway, K. W. J. (1982), Aspects of the electrochemistry of steel in concrete. Narute 297 No. 5862, 109-115.

Sagüés, A. A., Powers, R. G., Kessler, R. (2001) “Corrosion Performance of Epoxy-Coated Rebar in Florida Keys Bridges,†NACE International. CORROSION 2001, 11-16 March, Houston, Texas. ID: NACE-01642

Schiess, P. (1988) Corrosion of steel in concrete: report of the Technical Committee 60 CSC, RILEM (the International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures), London, New York, Chapman and Hall.

Stratfull, R.F. (1964), Effect of reinforced concrete in ClNa and SO4Na2 environments. Materials Protection, Dic, p 75.

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Whiting, D. 1981, “Rapid determination of the chloride permeability of concreteâ€, Federal Highway Administration, Report FHWA/RD-81/119.

How to Cite
Andrade, C. (2018). BRIEF HISTORICAL NOTES. Revista ALCONPAT, 8(3), i - v.