Durability of concrete mixtures with different contents of activated fly ash

Keywords: activated fly ash, durability, ecological concrete.


This article describes properties related to the durability of five different mixtures of concrete with different contents of activated fly ash (AFA) and Portland cement (CPC 40). The measurements carried out were apparent speed of ultrasonic pulse, electrical resistivity, fast ion permeability of chloride and mechanical resistance to compression. The performance of all mixtures proved to be durable, and the development of the electrical resistivity and the decrease in the level of the chloride ion permeability were enhanced by the contents of AFA, although the resistance to compression at higher contents of AFA was minor. The maximum percentage of AFA to comply with the current criteria of durability was 65%.


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Author Biographies

Mariela Rendon Belmonte, Instituto Mexicano del Transporte


Miguel Martínez Madrid, Instituto Mexicano del Transporte

Investigador  y Coordinador  de Ingeniería Vehicular e Integridad Estructural (CIVIE)

Rosa Verónica Martínez Pérez, Instituto Mexicano del Transporte

Asistente de investigación de la Coordinación de Ingeniería Vehicular e Integridad Estructural (CIVIE)

José Trinidad Peréz Quiroz, Instituto Mexicano del Transporte

Investigador Titular de la Coordinación de Ingeniería Vehicular e Integridad Estructural (CIVIE)


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How to Cite
Rendon Belmonte, M., Martínez MadridM., Martínez PérezR. V., & Peréz QuirozJ. T. (2019). Durability of concrete mixtures with different contents of activated fly ash. Revista ALCONPAT, 9(2), 200 - 214. https://doi.org/10.21041/ra.v9i2.313
Basic Research